Grip-Tite Wall Anchors

bowed wall repair

Robbins and Co. can install Grip-Tite® wall anchors on your Oregon home to take care of leaning and bowing basement walls. These walls are often referred to as bowed walls or bowing basement walls. Regardless of what you call them, you need to get them taken care of immediately before they get worse. Unfortunately, if left untreated for too long, leaning basement walls can collapse in on themselves. This is going to cause a lot of problems for your home’s structural integrity, and it’s going to cost you a lot of money to get fixed. To avoid this problem altogether, let Robbins and Co. install Grip-Tite® wall anchors to straighten your walls back to where they need to be.

If you notice any of the following, chances are likely that you have a bowed wall that needs to get taken care of:

  • Basement wall is leaning into the home
  • Interior or exterior wall cracks form along the edges of the affected wall
  • Problem seems to get worse after heavy rains

There are many Oregon homeowners who want to know what caused their bowed wall problem to begin with. More times than not, a leaning basement wall is caused from hydrostatic pressure in the soil surrounding your home. If the soil surrounding your home is rich in clay-material, then it’s going to absorb a lot of moisture whenever it rains or when there’s melting snow. The water causes the soil to swell up, and this puts a lot of pressure on your basement walls. This pressure is known as hydrostatic pressure, and this causes the walls to bend into the home.

Wall Anchor System

foundation settlement

The wall anchor system we install from Grip-Tite® will be able to effectively take care of your bowed basement wall once and for all. This wall anchor system features an interior wall plate, and an exterior soil anchor. The two will connect with a strong, steel rod. The connecting rod can be tightened over time to add more lateral pressure to the wall so that it straightens back up into the position where it needs to be. Installation doesn’t require much time, and our team will respect the landscaping of your home avoiding when possible disturbing gardens and plant sites.

Please feel free to call us for more information about Grip-Tite® wall anchors, or to schedule a consultation with our foundation repair professionals.